Internet Of Things:- Basics, Hype and Potential

Internet has become a basic necessity in our daily lives. According to Statista, more than four billion people have access to the internet in 2020. Internet has become the number one medium for exchanging information and communication, over the last decade and naturally the applications of internet have entered various areas of our daily life.…

Summary Statistics – A Way To Deceive Using Numbers.

In the early days of the coronavirus lockdown, I wrote an article on How Statistics are Misused to Manipulate The Public. To my utter amazement and surprise, the article was very well received and I was encouraged to write a follow up on that piece on that. This is my attempt to do so. Before…

Five Lesser Known German Inventions During World War Two

Germany during World War Two is not something that you can talk about without your stomach churning. During wars, it is not always possible to separate the good guys from the bad guys, but during the second world war it was obvious that The Third Reich was pretty much evil. The things they have done…

A Brief History of Alcohol

-Bidhan Bhattarai In my extremely humble opinion, alcohol is the greatest invention in the history of mankind. When enjoyed responsibly, it is a great companion in joy and in sorrow. Whether it is marriage or divorce, relationships or hardships, this family of fermented spirits has always remained a constant. Throughout human history alcohol has accompanied…

Grace Hopper – One Of The Greatest Computer Scientists Of All Time.

“It is often easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.”- Grace Hopper. If I were to ask you the top 5 Computer programmers of all time, you would probably think of the pioneers like Ada Lovelace, Alan Turing, Howard Aiken, John Von Newmann, Tim Berners – Lee among others. However, I don’t…

A Case Study About the Misinterpretation of Statistics:- Part One

A while ago, I wrote an article on this blog about How Statistics are Misused to manipulate the General Public. In it I tried to cite some examples, which had taken place and also given some stereotypical examples on how statistics can be misused and as general public, what we can do about it. I…

The Greatest US Inventions To Come Out of The Cold War – Part Three

This is the third article out of 5 which takes a look at ten most significant inventions made by the United States during the Cold War. This article focuses on the third decade (1966- 1975), of the Cold War. This decade was when technologies took a giant leap and as an electronics and computer nerd,…

Top Ten US Inventions and Innovations During the Cold War- Part Two

In the first part of this series, we saw the inventions and innovations by the Americans, during the first decade of the cold war (1946-1955). Now, we take a look at American inventions during the second decade of the cold war. This was a very significant decade in terms of space exploration and development of…

Top Ten US Inventions and Innovations During the Cold War- Part One

Disclaimer – This is a first part in a possible four or five part series, because there are far too many of them to mention in a single article. The lists are divided by time frame but not strictly chronological. This first article ranks top 10 inventions in the first ten years of the cold…


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